Just a brief update to let everyone know I made it to Missouri all in one day. Didn't have any trouble and it actually was an enjoyable trip. I had 11 1/2 hours to think, pray, worship, and just contemplate the goodness and God's love and mercy.
Got into my parents place around 7:45 pm their time Saturday evening and Sunday we worked sorting their personal belongings and packing the camper and storage trailer. Went to church Sunday... their service is at 4:00pm and they only have one service on Sunday at the church they were attending in Missouri.
Monday was a run errands and last minute lab and prescriptions, etc. including a trip to Springfield for Dad's lab work. I kept the rental car 2-extra days until I was sure all the running around was completed. I did not want to drive the truck with the camper on it anymore than I had to around town.
However, I did find that with the extended mirrors I didn't have any problem driving the truck. I only had to back the trailer twice and that was a comedy act. When you can't see the trailer you're trying to back... it gets a little hilarious. I can back a trailer if I can see where it's going... otherwise, its direction is anyone's guess!
I will write more... this is the first time I've had a chance to spend more than just "email check". I know we will all get into a new routine... and we will all adjust to the differences in routines.