Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All is well...

Just a brief update to let everyone know I made it to Missouri all in one day.  Didn't have any trouble and it actually was an enjoyable trip.  I had 11 1/2 hours to think, pray, worship, and just contemplate the goodness and God's love and mercy.

Got into my parents place around 7:45 pm their time Saturday evening and Sunday we worked sorting their personal belongings and packing the camper and storage trailer.  Went to church Sunday... their service is at 4:00pm and they only have one service on Sunday at the church they were attending in Missouri.

Monday was a run errands and last minute lab and prescriptions, etc. including a trip to Springfield for Dad's lab work.  I kept the rental car 2-extra days until I was sure all the running around was completed.  I did not want to drive the truck with the camper on it anymore than I had to around town.

However, I did find that with the extended mirrors I didn't have any problem driving the truck.  I only had to back the trailer twice and that was a comedy act.  When you can't see the trailer you're trying to back... it gets a little hilarious.  I can back a trailer if I can see where it's going... otherwise, its direction is anyone's guess!

I will write more... this is the first time I've had a chance to spend more than just "email check".  I know we will all get into a new routine... and we will all adjust to the differences in routines.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Almost time...

Well, I've not done as much to the house as I anticipated doing. With working full time and not being able to devote a WHOLE day to a project, it's rather difficult to complete them.  I'm in the middle of several!

I'm off this Friday or Saturday morning early (3:30am) to drive to Missouri and move my parents into our home. Thankfully, hubby is all for this. We both (us and my parents) have some trepidation about how this is all going to work out... they not wanting to feel like they're giving up their "independence" and us giving up our "empty nest". I know it will be challenging, but if we keep our attitudes in adjustment... it will work out. They will be 83 this July and I know they do not want to live in a nursing home and I can't see them in a nursing home as active as they are in mind and body. We cannot afford an assisted living apartment... my mother-in-law lived in a beautiful assisted living apartment until she could no longer take care of herself. She refused to live with any of us and later went into a nursing home where she had been the recreational director when she was much younger.

I request your prayers for me on this trip... there and back. I will be driving a BIG dullie pickup truck with a huge camper and pulling a small trailer. I find that just a little intimidating... the trailer pulling part! Because with the camper I can't see the trailer I'm pulling. I'll have to make sure I do all "pull throughs" so I don't have to do any backing up :).   I will take photos along the way and post them later. 

I know this is very difficult for my parents.  Giving up their home sorting through all their belongings and moving to a different State at their age.  Please pray for them.  Pray for a SAFE and uneventful trip. 


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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Procrastination Guilt...

Today has been a typical Saturday morning. All the intended plans have been forsaken for impulsive or should I say spontaneous activities. I guess spontaneous sounds more exciting and a little less dysfunctional.

P1010019aThe day was supposed to be totally spent doing decluttering in the house and garage in preparation for my parents coming to live with us in TWO weeks! Instead, Bud (hubby) took my car to have a wheel bearing replaced. So now I have a perfectly good Ford Tempo to commute back and forth to work in and no excuse to buy another vehicle! On the other hand, his Buick needed more than a front end alignment and new front tires... it needed another $250.00 worth of work that will have to wait until the end of next week.

Instead of working in the garage, Bud is out planting azaleas bushes and a rhododendron bush and just fooling around outside. I was tempted for a few minutes and trimmed my fern and another hanging plant that I've forgotten the name of. Then the guilt set in and I wandered back inside. However, I have yet to settle down to one particular project! This is my downfall when it comes to decluttering. The mess before the decluttering just about does me in! Choosing the place to start is another one!

Now don't write me and tell me to read all these books on decluttering, organizing, cleaning, and simplifying... I've got shelves full of them. They're all excellent! It's the implementation of the principles that is difficult!

As you can surmise... this blog is just another attempt to stray from the job at hand... so, off I go... I'll try again!