Saturday, August 30, 2008

Autumn peeked around the corner at me today...

Today was beautiful. Autumn peeked around the corner at me and winked... as I spied a "woolly worm" crawling across our sidewalk this morning. This is the first I've seen this summer. It was all dark brown. Now I know that some of you "old timers" know what that means as to what kind of winter is forthcoming.

I love early autumn before all the leaves fall from their elevated positions above me. Earthy autumn colors are my favorite. To me they represent home, hearth, good food, family togetherness, and warm cozy evenings around the wood stove (or in previous years-the fireplace). The cool days and chilly nights are invigorating and give me back all the energy that humid summertime drained me of. There's a spring in my step, and a willingness to "move" that's not there on those HOT HUMID days. I love to take long walks and feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

I know that we NEED all seasons... just like in life... ALL SEASONS are for a reason and have a particular purpose in our life... some seasons are easier than others and some we "trudge" through only because we know a "better day" is on its way! Aren't the PROMISES of God awesome?!!!

I'm so excited about what I feel at the First UPC in Dayton. I know that the messages lately may have seemed a tad bit hard, but it is getting each one of us ready for what He has planned. I know that I want to be ready, and in a place of total commitment to be used anyway He wants to use me. If we're not committed wholly to Him... how can we expect to win the lost? There are so many hurting, hungry souls that don't have a clue what they really need or even how to find it. I want to always be in a prayed up condition and be sensitive to His leading. I want my spirit to mingle with His Spirit and be in constant contact! I desire the WORDS that come out of my mouth to be uplifting, encouraging, and never demeaning or churlish.

Tomorrow is SUNDAY, and I’m expecting another visitation from the LORD in our services.

PRAYER makes the DAY!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Family Time

We were privileged to have two of our sons visit us this summer.  Marc and his family in June and Tim and his family in August.  So, we were able to visit with all the grandkids but three.  Hopefully, we will see the others this year too!  Chloe our Great granddaughter will be TWO YEARS OLD on the 25th of this month.  I can't wait to see her.  I know she's grown so much since I saw her last August.  And OH MY, Kailee has grown-up so fast.  She's going into HIGH SCHOOL this year!

Here are some photos taken during these visits:

P1010064 Nana and Poppy relaxing at the camp site.


Our oldest son, Tim on the Carousel at Coolidge Park in Chattanooga,TN

Below- the THREE MEN on a bench!


P1010081Kailee at the Camp



This is a photo of the inlet (a part of Harrison Bay-Tennessee River) that Tim & Terri were camping at. We live less than 4 miles from this park.  And we take long walks here.  It's beautiful, especially early spring and fall.




P1010056 This is a pic of the fountain area at Coolidge Park and the kids are allowed to play in it.  There are all these zoo animal fountains surrounding the center fountain.  They have a lot of fun during the HOT summer days.  This park is right next to the TN River.  If you look off in the distance you will see one of the four bridges that cross the river into the City of Chattanooga.  WE LOVE IT HERE!


I've already posted some of Marc and Shenyle's  Florida Beach Vacation, but I have some more to post and will next time.

Well that is all I have time for this year.  I have more to post and more to write... but it will have to wait until later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Who's Your GOD?

Again, I refer back to my Sunday School class last week and the lesson for that day.

"Jesus Loves you and wants to be your God"

In teaching the lesson to my young students I was again reminded of what's important from the simple lesson I was teaching.

All week I've been mulling over in my mind the lesson title and realizing that is really all God wants from us, is to be our GOD.  God with a Capital "G".  We have many gods (lower case "g") in our lives.  They can be all encompassing gods or as trivial as a "Starbucks" latte.  It all depends on our attitude. 

Can you "take it or leave it" or is your life "upside down" if you don't have it? or do it? or buy it? or wear it? 

I remember a time many, many years ago, hubby had ben laid off from his job and there wasn't any money coming in.  NONE!  We had two infant sons at that time and didn't have any money to pay the gas bill.  It was disconnected!  Oh me!  I thought the world had come to an end.  I was very young then and pregnant with our third son...  :D   Life changed drastically for me for a few days!  It was winter and cold.  I went into a "pity party" attitude.  We finally got a small electric heater and put it in our bedroom and that was the only warm room in the house.  We lived in that room for several days.  Cooked on a hot plate and ate in the bedroom. 

Needless to say, we survived!  At the time I thought life was awful  :D.  Whew, has my perception of life changed.  After 37 years.... YES, Praise God, it has.  God has a way of giving you a NEW outlook on LIFE. 

Even what we think of as necessities can become "gods" or "idols" in our lives.  Not everyone in this world has the luxury of "flipping the switch".

In spite of all the above... all HE wanted was to be MY GOD through whatever came my way. 

I feel that the United States is spiraling downward quickly and not just in morals, etc. but in the way we live and consume.  I feel that eventually we're going to be covertly "owned" by China.  My son's plant just closed down because of China.  We get everything from China.  Oh my, I won't get on that soap box.

Do I live the simplest life I could?  NO!  Do I still consume? Of course!  But I'm trying to learn not to buy needless junk... stuff I find that once home I never use.  I really NEEDED it didn't I?  I am trying to eat healthy and eat more organic (without additives and hormones added, or genetically grown) foods!  It's hard to change. 

I'm not doing away with change or learning new things or even technology in general... but hey, let's LIVE LIFE and not lead a life fed to us by the MEDIA or Hollywood.  Our individual time span on this earth isn't very long.  Let's make the most of it.

CHOOSE GOD to be your GOD!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Story from my mind...

The following is a story I've started this morning as it came to mind, it's unfinished and I'm still working on it...


The White House Past

The house on the hill glowed white against the stark blackness of the night as if it were painted with moon dust. Chesnee stood at the vine covered entrance gate as memories of the past bombarded every nerve ending she possessed.

Shuddering, she gasped for air. “Oxygen, she needed oxygen.” Inhaling as much as her lungs could hold, and then exhaling slowly, slowly, savoring the release of tension that had her body paralyzed . She slipped through the gate and stood still, listening for the subtle night sounds.

Creeping closer and closer to the white glow she became aware of the shadows flitting from room to room and window to window. “Who were they or what where they?” she whispered to the darkness.

Chesnee remembered being told the house was vacant and had been abandoned many years ago by the legendary Coolidge family. She had become fixated on the previous owners spending hours of her precious time online or in the libraries researching the history of each owner, filling endless notebooks with articles, photos, and even mundane gossip provided by the locals.

She stood up straightening her back bone in an attempt to muster courage to move her feet toward the door. She was finally going to step inside after all these years. Chesnee glanced down at her lifeless feet. It felt as if the past was forbidding her to move forward.

“Come on, MOVE IT!” she told her feet. Lifting her right foot then her left, she inched closer to the path leading to the side door. She wasn’t quite ready to boldly walk through the front door. Besides, if she entered through the side door, maybe her entrance would go unnoticed by the occupants inside. Chesnee wanted time to investigate the rooms of the past before announcing her presence to the INVADERS of the house.

Reaching out tentatively she touched the door knob. NOTHING! Bewildered and unsure of her feelings, she turned the knob inch by inch. Cautiously pushing the door open, Chesnee peered through the crack in the door.

To be continued. . .