Friday, June 27, 2008

A Good Report...

God is good all the time, all the time God is good...

Even as we journey through trials and hard places in life... Yes, God is STILL good! He's still in charge and still is Master of our lives.

This has been a tumultuous week for me. Again, I had to endure the process of "cancer or cancer free".

Thursday I was scheduled for my quarterly Cystoscopy and biopsies. Always, with the negative thought trying to invade my mind, "will they find invasive cancer this time?"

  • 5:25 am Up and getting Bud (husband) ready and off to work.
  • 6:25 am Good Bye Kiss, Bud tells me, "I love you and you know I've been praying for you and will be thinking about you today." I observe the "worried" look behind his expression. He's going to work this morning and will be back around 11:30 am to take me to the hospital.
  • 6:30 am I sit in my recliner reading and trying to calm my mind. Jesus and I have a wonderful conversation. I am assured that all is in HIS HANDS and nothing is going to happen to me that is not His Will. We will go through this together, Hand in Hand!
  • 8:00am The craving for my morning coffee (I can do without the FOOD... just give me my coffee!!!) is strong... I have to get up and DO something to avoid the Caffeine URGE!
  • 9:00 am The URGE passes...
  • 10:45 am Start to get my things ready... pack my little black bag.
  • 11:00 am Shower, fix hair... and I'm ready to go when Bud gets here.
  • 11:30 am Bud's home and changes clothes, grabs his Bible and a book.
  • 12:15 pm Dad, Mom, Bud and I have prayer and we're off for the hospital's Same Day Surgery Department.
  • 12:45 pm Nurse calls and says can I come in NOW... he's got an early opening. YES, I want this over with... "I'm in the parking lot now... will be up in 10 minutes."

And thus the day goes on... I was back in the preliminary surgery area and the man next to me was having a complete Cystectomy done and the bed across from me was have a Nephrectomy. I am lying there calmly, basking in the love of Jesus and feeling his peace enfolding me with the comfort I need for this circumstance of life!

I hate to be anesthetized! I don't like NOT being in control of my person! But once the injection... I quickly fall asleep.

  • 3:30 pm I peek out from under my heavy eyelids... "Yes!!! ...I'm still among the living."

When I'm finally able to answer questions, the nurse asked... "Do you want something to drink?" "YES...strong black coffee!" And she brings it to me, "Freshly brewed." Ummm, so good! Could this be a sin? :) I sincerely hope not!

Finally, I'm back in the room and they are getting me ready to leave in an hour or so. I'm not nauseated this time... wonderful! I feel pretty good... Actually, I feel wonderful! It's GOOD NEWS... the surgeon did find a small spot... feels he got it all and took the usual biopsies of different areas of the bladder. Told Bud he felt all is well... and nothing to worry about!

  • 5:45 pm HOME... home never looked so good to me! Bud fixed a wonderful dinner of yellow squash, corn on the cob, carrots, peppers, cabbage, candied sweet potatoes, and Italian meatballs. It really is a pleasing combination... :D

Yes, God is good all the time. Even had I received a BAD report... God would still have been there... and He still would have been GOOD! He is ever present with us!

PS ~ A bit of humor: While getting ready for surgery... the nurse told me that I would have to take off my hairpiece! :D Bud quickly told her that was NOT a hairpiece. You could see the look of disbelief in her eyes. So, I took out the two clips holding my hair up and down it fell... she said... "Oh my gawd...that really is all yours." :D

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday's Muse...

I Woke up this morning feeling fine... I woke up with heaven on my mind...

This morning was beautiful.  Had I time, I would have sat on the porch for a while savoring the smell and taste of the soothing liquid in my "mug" and enjoyed the morning coolness, listened to the song birds, and resting my eyes upon the myriad of colors of the flowers.  Yes, today was a GOOD DAY to be living for Jesus!

 P1010070 This is a photo of one of the birds enjoying our offering. Aren't the yellow gladiolas beautiful? 



The photo is of our Day Lilies.  They are a vibrant burnt orange.










This is part of our front porch.  We enjoy our flowers and front porch.  The glider came from hubbies parents and several generations have enjoyed it.  The Triple planter stand came from his parents also.  I'm rather sentimental and these items were always on their front porch.  I wanted it on ours too.  So, we now have them!  P1010071



This is Bud's grapevine and some mums that our youngest son left with us for taking care of their puppy while they vacationed in Florida. 


         This is "Teddy".










Our tomatoes are coming along nicely and we've already picked a few.








Bud enjoying the glider and the fruit of his labor. We love plants and gardening.





Our sons and grandsons still enjoy the glider which is probably over 40+ years old.  That's my dad and his dog and Marc our youngest son and his son, our grandson, Micah.  I've more photos of family that I'll post at a later date.


Just thought I'd share a bit with you this evening.