My last post was on "Days Gone By..." the history of our lives.
At some point in our life the realization that our days are numbered and God is the one who knows that number really becomes a loudly proclaimed TRUTH.
I suppose the subject of mortality has been in the back of my mind ever since my "cancer" diagnosis a few years ago. Once "death" almost smacks you in the face I think one begins to "think" a little differently about "life and living". You begin to review your "living" of life and what may once have been so important suddenly becomes the "least" important on your list. One's outlook on life drastically changes. Your WINDOW's view of the WORLD is different today than it was yesterday when you thought your life was in your own hands. We never "expect" to die. We always think that's for older people and until it hits your own life or family it seems distant.
Yes, I believe God is totally in control of my life. Yes, I believe in His faithfulness, and love. No, I'm not doubting His mercy and goodness. He is GOD and He is GOOD all the time. Yes, I believe in His WORD. I love His Word. I love to feel His presence HUG me and I love to feel His Shekinah Glory sweep over the congregation during a church service. I love God with ALL my Heart, Mind, and Soul!!
I KNOW He's there through all of life's twists and turns, ups and downs. Yes, He's there! Even during a trying day full of trials and hardships... He's there and I know he's there! Some of my days are not perfect in this imperfect world I live in... but He's there! I'm not giddy with a school-girl infatuation, I've a deep rooted love and JOY in my Salvation!
When "those days" come... I can begin to "Praise Him" and praise right through the trial. I've had the Holy Ghost since just after my 8th Birthday... He has never disappointed me. I'm not one of His perfect children (are there any?)... I have my days when I have to get a grip on my attitude. I work with the public everyday and I cannot reflect inner feelings to my clients.
I'm one of those pilgrims who are on a journey through this world and I'm headed for the PROMISE Land. The path may be rough at times... but there's always the "refreshing time" of His presence when He's walking right beside us, leading and guiding us on that path.
As a pastor's wife of 40-years, I've seen those newly birthed struggle with the cares and concerns of life and sometimes the baggage of their past life seems to cling tightly. My concern is that we pray, teach, and be REAL people to these who struggle with trials and tribulations.
Time marches on... tomorrow will be here in about 4 minutes! I want to be REAL to those who enter into the realm of my life and through the doors of our church. I want to encourage them... "you can make it through". Hold tightly to those out stretched hands.
Maybe some who are reading this think I'm being "un-joyful", I'm not! But I've seen the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless. Our cities are full of them. My heart goes out to those who are "forgotten" or "overlooked" and I'm not just talking about the homeless.
And there go I, except by the grace and mercy of God...
I never want to forget that could be me. Yes, I'm thankful I was raised in a God-fearing Pentecostal-Apostolic home. Yes, I'm thankful for Sunday School teachers and ministers/pastors who taught the Word. I'm thankful for the fellowship of my Brothers and Sisters in the LORD. I'm thankful for a husband/pastor who preaches and teaches God's Word. I am blessed!
Well Tomorrow has arrived...and it's another Day I choose to purposely live for Jesus.
Let's be REAL for JESUS... I always think of the "Velveteen Rabbit" story... I want to have bare spots, torn spots, lose an ear or eye, come unstitched with the stuffing hanging out from being "used" everyday. I want to be vulnerable, open and willing to be used anyway He wants to use me. I don't want to be stuck on the shelf and never taken down.
Let Him choose me, that's my prayer!