Monday, December 8, 2008


Please, before I post my thoughts, I am NOT a Mrs. Scrooge! But CHRISTMAS has gone “overboard”. I think that’s why I enjoy THANKSGIVING more than Christmas.

Now don't misunderstand me... I think the "lighted" homes are beautiful... most of them :D But when I walk into the malls in our area and observe the shoppers... my heart hurts for them. My mall days are over a couple of days before Thanksgiving and I don't go back until after the New Year!

We’ve let the RETAIL WORLD govern our pocketbook, and the atmosphere of our homes. Our children and even we ourselves, think we have to have certain “gifts” or we have not “received”. I sometimes ponder what we are teaching our children, and not just at Christmas time.

I worked retail briefly as manager of a Hallmark Card & Gift store in Columbia, Maryland for 5+ years when we were there starting a Home Missions church. The holidays were sheer torture! There were very few friendly, appreciative shoppers! Most were rude (to us and other shoppers), demanding, and just unkind in general. You could see the stress in their eyes and stance.

Then when I realized how many people go into DEBT over this holiday... well, it just boggles my mind. I don’t think this is pleasing to our Lord and Savior.

What happened to simple family get-togethers? No stress, just good food and lots of talk and fun.

I had a mother stop by our house Sunday afternoon with her 11-year old son asking if he could rake our leaves for Christmas money. My “mothers” heart melted... Yes, I said, if he could come back Monday after school! Later my husband, knowing I’m partial to little boys (having raised three), “Why didn’t you just give him some money?” NO, NO, NO... I appreciated that young boy’s mother very much! She was trying to instill some work ethic in her son, whether it is by necessity or just a learning process. I appreciate what she is doing.

Again, please don’t condemn me for hating the materialistic side of Christmas! I think maybe having the word “cancer” come crashing into my personal life has given me a different perspective on the “important” things in life.

My joy is complete when I’m with family and friends and rejoicing over God’s love and compassion for us, when we are just enjoying each other for who we are, what we hope to become, and our mutual love for one another. That's when my heart is full and overflowing. I wish I could be with my sons, daughters (in law), and our precious grandchildren more. I miss them so much!

Again, I am not a Mrs. Scrooge... and I know we love to give gifts to one another, but God gave us the best gift we could ever receive... let's not forget!


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