Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayers for Virginia Tech

This is a sorrowful day for many (all of us). They have lost their most precious possession, their children. I simply cannot fathom the grief of a parent losing a child.

Yes, I know, it is a daily occurrence that I have not had to face. Children are dying every day from war, starvation, abusive caregivers, diseases, accidents and many other unthinkable acts. Many countries face the horror of losing their youth... but when it strikes home... our eyes are WIDE open.

We ponder... how could this happen to us? Oh, we must turn our faces back to God. Do I think this was a punishment from God? NO, NO!!!! Tragedies happen, it’s part of living in this unpredictable world.

I do think we are becoming too self-absorbed and forgetting our creator and his purpose for us. We need to return to “One Nation Under God”... “In God We Trust”.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday's Musing

Good TUESDAY evening,

It was beautiful today...still cooler than normal...but a wonderful day. We were exceptionally busy at the office today and I'm not sure why. Maybe people were just getting all their ducks in a row before they filed their TAXES. Bud and I filed ours tonight. Whew...glad that's over with. We did owe a little...but not enough to complain about.

I have an hour for lunch and if I've not any pressing errands to run I usually eat my lunch in the shade somewhere and read or write. Sometimes I listen to music and just relax. If I'm reading or studying an hour passes too quickly. It's my quiet time... no interruptions (unless hubby calls me on my cell phone) and I can read and meditate in solitude. I truly enjoy that time. I actually crave it when I've had to run errands and can't get that "alone time". Just me in my car with my thoughts and listening for His voice through His Word. I've had many prayers answered praying in my car all alone. God is so kind to show us what we need and to give it to us at just the right time. What's that chorus... "He's an on time God". That He is!! I always go back to the office refreshed.

After almost 20-years, God is answering my prayers for my children and grandchildren. I heard about a preacher that ends each service telling the members of his church, "NEVER GIVE UP" (Winston Churchill was right).

Mother's NEVER GIVE UP. God knows when they are ready to listen... Keep praying, the answer is on the way.

Have a blessed week with Jesus.

My devotional website:

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Good Saturday afternoon,
It's cold again. After the 80 degree weather we had for awhile it feels extra chilly. Hubby built a fire in the wood stove last night and has one going again this afternoon. A wood fire is so warm and cozy.
The cold weather shriveled some of the grapevine leaves :( they were so pretty and green. I think the itty bitty grape clusters are ruined too. We had covered the other plants up with leaves and they're fine. Hubby forgot to put the sheet over the grapevine out front. The one in the back is OK. The hydrangea bush looks sad. I know it will come back, but the first green growth looks pathetic.
I'm trying to do some much needed de-cluttering... we have just accumulated too much stuff. I don't think we've disposed of much in our 39-years together. We are both into books and those will stay (we will sort through some of them). But the other "stuff" we plan to have a yard sale or give to the YOUTH group for their Sheaves for Christ yard sale this year. I just need "energy" and determination to get this done.
Well, enough of that... looking forward to church services tomorrow. Just knowing that He is resurrected and in my heart is worth it all.
Have a blessed weekend ~