Saturday, November 13, 2010


I work in an insurance office and we STILL have paper Atlases that we give to our policyholders. Believe it or not, we do still have customers who request them!

  • GPS= Global Positioning System or Global Positioning Satellite  1-GPS

I do not have one! I’m not even the least bit excited about getting one either. Whether it’s age related non-acceptance of new technology or just being stubborn… I don’t want one and it is not on my Christmas list. I have always found maps fascinating and love to check out where places are and how to get there. I like to see the broad perspective of where I’m going and not from a little 3-6 inch square box that my bifocals’ do not want to focus on!

And the talking ones… why would I want to be sitting in my car behind the wheel and let this unknown voice tell me where to go! How do I know where they’re sending me? Why should I put my TRUST in that little box on my dash? I’ve heard the horror stories of those not on “real time” and/or not “updated” regularly.

I heard of one where they were directed down a road and ended up in the lake…it was night, I guess and they couldn’t see where they were going? And another where the road had been closed and the bridge was out, and because the GPS sent them that way…they drove around the blockade and off the cliff into the river! Go Figure… (Get the Point Stupid and NO I’m NOT calling “YOU” Stupid). But you do get the point right?

Of course, I do realize these horror stories have been embellished and sensationalized for our enjoyment… but could they be true?

I really think my problem with this DeVICE is that it is telling me what streets to drive on, where to turn, and I’m just not ready to sit passively behind the wheel and let something else into my life that’s “telling me where to go and what to do”.  I know, I know… I’m putting in the information of where I want to end up… but I just have this sneaking feeling that this “talking box” has a mind of its own embedded somewhere deep in its technical bowels.

Now, I will refrain from taking this further and making a spiritual application at this time. However, I’m sure you do see where I could go with it and I’m sure it has been done before. Let me roll those thoughts around some more in my “gray matter” before the words become complete sentences and “profound” thought!  :-D

If you have a GPS relax…I don’t care. Enjoy your toy, just don’t let it take control! Be aware of your surroundings and where you’re really going!

I do recommend keeping a MAP handy!  Your GPS could go down!

Happy traveling!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Change is in the air… and Random thoughts…

Yes, change is in the air.  I can feel it every where, change is on its way! 

Driving home from work last night I realized I was cold for the first time this fall. 

Oct 2010- Autumn Walk-Misc 081 I am sitting here early this morning (I had to turn the heat on) listening to the rain outside my window.  Oh, we need the rain!!

We really do need the rain here in Southeastern Tennessee, but we need the REAL RAIN to fall… pour it on us LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  Yes, change is truly on the way! …and not just the physical seasonal change.

There are so many changes that are taking place in each of our lives.  Some will be affected by the political changes that are transforming our lives for better or worse.  Some of our freedoms are no longer our choice to make, some can be taken back and others are permanently changed forever.  We may lose our jobs and homes.  I’ve even read of some churches going bankrupt… this is something unheard of in the past.  But if people don’t give sacrificially…  And it is hard to give when you’ve lost a job, etc.

The above is a subtle warning that there is a GREAT CHANGE coming our way…but it is merely a feeble stepping stone to the GREAT CHANGE.   I know that I have a HOPE that some do not share…  this WORLD is not my final resting place… I’m on a journey that will end someday and only then will my journey be completed.  I have the best guide and map available.  Lightening Storm

How I travel this journey, the way I walk, talk, my attitude, how I treat others and how I treat my fellow traveler (other Believers) will determine my reward. Isn’t it strange how we sometimes treat our own family and fellow travelers?  We give more respect and love to complete strangers than to our family and fellow believers.  I guess that’s the FLESH speaking and acting out! 

I’m not exactly sure what I’m feeling! Even the unease of the unknown is not pre-empted by the fact that I have the HOPE of ETERNAL LIFE that no one on this earth can take from me.  God didn’t promise us a Rose Garden on this earth and a blissful life with no problems.  But He did promise us salvation!

The Bible tells us we are to be joyous in persecution for His sake (Oh my… I thought we were to blast everyone and everything that we didn’t believe in or was not to our liking!??? I’m not being facetious about standing up for the Word of God, but this world is not our home… remember?).  I’m not saying speaking up is wrong… but I am saying how we speak up, and what we say is very important to the salvation of this world.  Yes, there are times when we must be blunt and to the point… but it must be spoken with true love and compassion.  We must reflect the LOVE of JESUS to others.  If they cannot see that reflection…then our words and life have been lived in vain!

Oh CHANGE…what are you going to surprise us with?