Saturday, December 29, 2007

Forty Years - I'd Do It Again!


Wedding Pix 1967Bud and I celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary this past December 24th, which is also his 64th Birthday.  I love this man with all my heart!  We've had a good life together.  Oh sure, we've been through hard times, good times, in-between times, and probably will again.  We know that God put us together without a doubt! 

We met in California in 1967.  He had come to visit his grandfather and find out just what "sin" was? Now, my future husband didn't have any religious background at all.  He'd only been to Sunday School a few times when he was very young.  His Daddy had told him Papa would know all about that stuff.   His Papa went to the church my Dad was pastoring at that time.  So he packed a backpack and headed for Perris, California where his Papa lived, hitching hiking all the way.  However he ended up wandering through Haight Ashbury for a short time and had a brief encounter with Charlie Manson.  But he had a hunger deep inside for "TRUTH" and he found it in a little church in San Jacinto,Pastor Childers Ca.  He repented in a children's revival at an altar filled with children. He received the Holy Ghost in the "upper room" at a Balboa Park convention while Brother Tenney was preaching and he's never turned back! 

We may not always have had the BEST of material possessions, but our needs have always been provided and the LOVE of GOD and for the TRUTH of the WORD have always been the most prominent concern in our lives.

P1010001God has been good to us.  We have three grown sons, and they've given us five grandchildren and one great granddaughter!

Our vows to each other are just as intentional today as they were 40-years ago.  Did I say I love this man?  Oh, I DO, I DO, I DO...

 Yes, Bud dear, I love YOU!!!!

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